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Measuring the value of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of the 2 ZERO Partnership

About LeMesurier

The 2ZERO Partnership KPIs are multiple and various, relating to the three-layer approach for the Objective of 2 ZERO, as expressed in its SRIA. This proposed CSA will determine a common framework for monitoring these multiple and various KPIs (including their sources, methods and reporting formats). It will generate values for the KPIs and their expected variation for the coming decade, based upon the results of the projects being conducted within the partnership and the assessment of the impact of these project´s results. The proposed CSA will support the identification and quantification of all interactions, impacts and effectiveness of the partnership within the road transport challenge. Furthermore, the proposed CSA will provide recommendations for development and analysis of the means of measurement and evaluation of the partnership within the road transport challenge. Finally, the CSA will disseminate and communicate its results to a wide range of stakeholders, throughout the road transport sector, but also across Member States and to the public in general, via a range of media and events. 

List of participating organisations


Ricardo GmbH

E3-Modelling AE

Anonimi Etairia Perivallontikon Kaienergiakon Meel

AVL List GmbH

VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH

Robert Bosch GmbH

Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anapty 

European Road Transport Telematics implementa 

FEV Europe GmbH

Fraunhofer Gesellschaft 

Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) gGmbH

IFP Energies nouvelles


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