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The CODATU Forum will be held in Bogota to discuss urban mobility in Latin America

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

The CODATU forum will take place from 26 to 28 June 2023 in Bogota, Colombia. A dedicated webpage has been created to register to the event.

Co-organised by CODATU, Transdev and the University of the Andes, the CODATU Forum will be an unmissable event, where nearly 200 personalities and territorial actors experts in mobility from France and Latin America (representatives of local and national authorities, mobility entrepreneurs, researchers, NGOs, donors, etc.) will share their solutions to the challenges of transport and urban mobility in Latin America.

For 3 days, experts will participate in round tables, technical visits and other activities. The plenary sessions will address five important themes: organising mobility, financing mobility, developing a robust alternative to individual motorised mobility, building inclusive and sustainable cities through mobility, and innovating for more sustainable urban mobility.

The technical visits will be commented by local actors to allow participants to discover the Bogota transport network: in particular, the BRT TransMilenio system of international renown, the TransMicable cableway system, an electric bus depot and tactical planning initiatives. This will be an opportunity to discover the innovative mobility projects implemented by the city of Bogota.

In parallel to the CODATU forum, MobiliseYourCity will organise the Latin American and Caribbean Community of Practice meeting, in partnership with AFD, GIZ, CODATU and Despacio. On this occasion, delegations of local and national governments engaged in the transition to sustainable urban mobility in the Latin American and Caribbean region will be able to participate in capacity-building activities and experience sharing. Participants in the event are members of MobiliseYourCity, EUROCLIMA+, ProMOVIS and beneficiaries of FEXTE (French cooperation fund).

Discover the video presenting the forum, with the participation of François DUROVRAY, President of CODATU, and Thierry MALLET, President of TRANSDEV:

The CODATU Forum is organised with the support of Doppelmayr, Green Movil, Bogota Movil, Connexion Movil, Cable Movil, Fanalca, AFD, Despacio, EUROCLIMA +, European Union, MobiliseYourCity, Alstom, Iveco, Poma, Egis, Metro de Medellin, Leonard, MND. Actors committed to sustainable mobility in the major cities of the South.

For more information click here

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