MobiliseHER: Participatory Approaches for Gender-Responsive Mobility Systems
Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) gGmbH, Berlin, Germany.
Expression of Interest (EOI)
1. Introduction
UEMI is seeking Expressions of Interest from qualified contractors and organisations to conduct at least 3000 mobility pattern surveys in Kochi, India, under the EU-co-funded project MobiliseHER.
2. Project Overview
Project Title: MobiliseHER - Participatory Approaches for Gender-Responsive Mobility Systems
Project Description: The overall objective of the MobiliseHER project is to: Strengthen engagement of civil society organisations in transport planning and governance in Indian cities, to mainstream gender-responsive planning in developing and implementing low-carbon urban transport systems.
The final beneficiaries of the project are:
Women and girls, gender and sexual minorities, persons with disabilities, children, the elderly, and pedestrians.
Project Location: Kochi, Kerala, India.
Task Description: UEMI is looking for local contractors who have the capacity to conduct at least 3000 mobility pattern surveys in Kochi. These surveys can be divided into two different categories:
At least 2000 Household Surveys—This entails in-depth door-to-door surveys in 9 pre-selected neighbourhoods in Kochi to investigate the residents' daily mobility patterns. Since the project focuses on women, gender minorities, and vulnerable groups, these groups will constitute many survey participants. It should be noted that each survey is expected to take approximately 25-30 minutes.
At least 1,000 Commuter Surveys—This entails two key components. First, gender-desegregated data collection to understand the distribution of public transport users by gender at various stops and stations in Kochi. Second, commuters’ perceptions of public transport (all available modes), paratransit, walking, and cycling in Kochi.
3. EOI Requirements
Eligibility Criteria: Specific qualifications and experience required from interested parties include:
Experience in conducting mobility surveys and public perception surveys.
Technical expertise and qualifications to design and conduct electronic surveys.
Staff capacity to conduct approx. 3000 surveys in 1 month.
Capacity and willingness to employ at least 60% women and gender minorities as enumerators.
Submission Requirements: Please submit the following documents and the expression of interest.
Company profile/brochure.
Relevant past experiences.
CVs of key personnel, where relevant.
Proof of capacity to conduct the surveys and to employ at least 60% women and gender minorities as enumerators.
4. Submission Deadline
The deadline for submission of EOIs is Friday, 31.01.2025, 23:59 CEST. Late submissions will not be considered. Submissions are to be made electronically to
5. Contact Information
For any inquiries or clarification, please get in touch with Ms Barbara Lah, Managing Director UEMI, at
6. Disclaimer
UEMI reserves the right to:
Reject any or all EOIs received.
Shortlist candidates for further evaluation.
Issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to shortlisted candidates.
Amend or cancel this EOI at any time without prior notice.